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What settings should my smartphone camera have to get good scan results?

Since the standard ASCAND 3D scanner is designed to operate on a very low power safe 5mW Laser, the room should not be too bright for the laser to be visible on the video.

When uploading your ScanVideo the ASCAND Platform checks the quality of it. It will give you detailed information on what to imporove, if your scan needs an improved environment.

Typically you should have the surrounding light to be at around 10-75 LUX when working with the standard 5mW laser.

The rule of thumb is to set the focus of the camera on the turn table sleeve ring to give your ASCAND the best possible quality Block Code Tape reading. Also make sure it is not too dark for the white on the block code tape to turn “blueish”

When using an iPhone it is best to set the video brightness to -1 in the camera app. You can measure the surrounding with the “LightMeter”-App available in the AppStore.

When using Android you need to manually adjust the brightness by taping on the block code tape to set the focus. Then slide your finger down to turn down the brightness of the recording.