What are the dimensions you can scan with the ASCAND?
The scanned objects need to fit onto the turn table and the turn table has to be completely visible to the phone camera you are… Read More »What are the dimensions you can scan with the ASCAND?
The scanned objects need to fit onto the turn table and the turn table has to be completely visible to the phone camera you are… Read More »What are the dimensions you can scan with the ASCAND?
The objects you are scanning need to COMPLETELY fit onto the ASCAND Turn Table. For best results the Turn Table should operate at the slowest… Read More »What are the Standard ASCAND Turn Table specifications?
ASCAND supports a broad selection of file formats for 3D scanned objects. To optimize system performance and storage efficiency, these formats will only be generated… Read More »Which File Formats Are Supported by the ASCAND 3D Scan Platform?
ASCAND supports Vertex Coloring, Texture Coloring, and Point Cloud Coloring. Vertex Coloring Vertex coloring assigns color to each vertex of a 3D model. The color… Read More »What coloring methods does the ASCAND 3D Scan Platform support
You phone camera needs to take good quality Full HD Videos with 30fps. That’s it. Pretty much all of today’s reasonable iOS and Android smartphones… Read More »What camera / mobile phone model can I use for the 3D-scan process?
Since the standard ASCAND 3D scanner is designed to operate on a very low power safe 5mW Laser, the room should not be too bright… Read More »What settings should my smartphone camera have to get good scan results?
Technically you can use the ASCAND 3D scanner with much stronger red and green lasers. For safety reasons we have decided to ship the product… Read More »Why are you using such a low powered 5mW laser module for the ASCAND? Can we use a stronger laser?
The minimum length of a VISION scan video needs to be 75 seconds. Two full rotations at the slowest Turn Table speed. Please keep in mind… Read More »How long should my ScanVideo be?
Better Colors, denser point clouds and fewer outliers. The ASCAND platform is using a unique algorithm that takes advantage of laser and non-laser images for… Read More »What is the purpose of switching off the laser for the last 75 seconds and what do I need to take care of if I want to use that feature?
The eMail notifying you of the failure of your scan will have specific information on your scan. However, the most common reasons for a failed… Read More »My 3D-scan fails or the quality is bad on a LASER scan. How can I improve?